A number of report-generation packages are available to process the WebDAV format file, including open source packages ( such as AWStats) and commercial analysis packages. 许多报告生成文件包也可用于处理WebDAV模式文件,包括开源包(例如AWStats)和商业分析包。
MPP Analytic Database-Jaspersoft supports IBM's Netezza MPP analytic database data warehouse and soon will add commercial analysis support. MPP分析数据库&Jaspersoft支持IBM的NetezzaMPP分析数据库数据仓库,不久还会提供商业的分析支持。
The Pricing of Commercial Residence's Analysis and Countermeasures Research in Guangzhou 广州市商品住宅价格分析及对策研究
This type of "whole program" analysis is what commercial static analysis is all about. 这种“程序整体”分析就是商业静态分析所能做的事情。
The temperature distribution in two different continuous casting moulds during a steady casting process was numerically simulated with a commercial FE analysis code ABAQUS. 采用结构分析有限元软件ABAQUS对具有不同冷却系统的两种结晶器在工作过程中的稳态温度场进行了模拟。
Development Tendency and Commercial Mode Analysis of IPTV IPTV的商业模式和产业发展趋势分析
Study on Corner Braking System of Anti-lock Braking System for Commercial Vehicle Performance Analysis of the ABS Algorithms 商用车制动防抱死系统的弯道制动控制算法研究汽车防抱死制动系统三种控制算法制动性能比较
Studies of Indoor Environmental Quality and Its Control Strategies of Commercial Kitchen; Analysis on the Fire Risk of Commercial Kitchens in China and Its Countermeasures 商用厨房室内环境质量评价与控制研究我国商用厨房火灾危险分析及对策研究
In this paper, the dangers of commercial bribery analysis, to further explore strategies to deal with commercial bribery. 本文主要对商业贿赂的危害做出分析,进一步探讨应对商业贿赂的策略。
With the development of modern mechanics methods and computer technology, many practical commercial finite element analysis software were introduced to the crane design calculations. 随着现代力学方法和计算机技术的发展,大型的商用有限元分析软件被引进到起重机的设计计算中。
Research of Commercial Network Analysis and Planning Based on GIS GIS商业网点分析与规划研究
Commercial Market Analysis of Straw Fired Technology in China 秸秆发电商品化前景分析
Problems and Solutions about Comprehensive Risk Management of Commercial Bank& Analysis based on Chinese Construction Bank 商业银行全面风险管理的问题与对策&基于中国建设银行的分析
By means of commercial analysis of the relation of commodity supply and demand, the paper studies the working state of three links of forestry technology with the segregation of the main part& research and development, popularization and application. 运用商品供需关系分析的方法,研究林业技术在研发、推广和应用3个不同环节上主体分离情况下的工作状况。既有需求的原因,也有供给的原因;
Design of commercial analysis system based on web information mining 基于Web信息挖掘的商业分析系统设计
Analytical CRM aims at increasing system's commercial analysis and aid decision ability. 而分析型CRM旨在增加CRM系统的商业分析与辅助决策能力。
On the efficiency of Chinese commercial banks and analysis of the influencing factors 中国商业银行效率及影响因素分析
This method can adapt to most commercial finite method analysis systems for analyzing stability of practical engineering structures. 该方法适用于多种大型有限元系统,可直接用于计算实际工程结构的稳定性问题。
Discussion on Application of TG Procedure in Commercial Analysis on Coal 浅谈TG法在煤的工业分析中的应用
Commercial Oil Analysis Service 商业化油液监测服务
Risk Management of Derivative Financial Instrument in Commercial Bank-An Analysis From the Viewpoint of Independent Audit 论商业银行衍生金融工具的风险管理&从独立审计角度分析
The method could be implemented easily with the help of commercial FEM analysis softwares. A universal control simulation interface was established in structure analysis package PATRAN/ NASTRAN environment with the programmable PCL ( patran command language). 该方法可借助于商用结构有限元分析软件来实现,简便易行,在PAT-RAN/NASTRAN环境中利用PATRAN命令语言PCL(Patrancommandlanguage)建立了通用结构控制仿真平台。
This paper begins with the commercial gray space analysis and introduces the type and urban function of commercial gray space, try to give a new method which how to design commercial building. 本文通过对商业中介空间的理性界定,分析了商业建筑中介空间的类型和作用,进而扩展到对商业中介空间的设计方法的探讨,尝试提出商业建筑设计的新途径。
Chapter 2, emphasizing treatise commercial bank serving, commercial bank function serving in economy, for behind of commercial bank service analysis offering according to; 第二章着重论述商业银行服务的特点,商业银行服务在经济中的作用,为后面的商业银行服务分析提供依据;
Being influenced and controlled by lots of parameters, it is difficult to achieve the dynamic optimization automatically by commercial structural analysis software. 由于影响参数多,应用商业结构分析软件自动实现其动态优化十分困难。
Commercial product analysis under the condition of meeting the market demand 面向市场需求的商品化产品分析
At present, the domestic space syntax used in city commercial layout analysis is still in its infancy. 目前,国内把空间句法应用于城市商业布局分析方面尚在起步阶段。
At present, only Germany and some other foreign companies can produce quantitative analysis instrument. There is no domestic commercial quantitative analysis instrument reported. 目前只有德国等少数几家国外公司生产定量分析的仪器,国内未有商业化仪器报导。
The third part is on foreign management of commercial bank credit analysis, and conclude experience that advanced, should learn from. 第三部分是对国外商业银行信贷管理进行分析,并总结出先进的、值得借鉴的经验。